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Oudeweg 147
2031 CC Haarlem
The Netherlands

Klipspringer Sourcing Agency is registered at Chamber of Commerce in Amsterdam,
The Netherlands: Dossier: 85740861

Our website-address:

To all our business our Terms & Conditions (Algemene voorwaarden) apply. Our Terms & Conditions are registered / deposited at The Chamber of Commerce.


Klipspringer is WAADI registered. WAADI is legislation aimed at preventing illegal staffing practices and reducing worker exploitation.

WAADI Registration in Commercial Register of The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce

  • Klipspringer is registered at Dutch Chamber of Commerce: KVK Amsterdam nr: 85740861–
  • These Terms of Use govern use of this website (“Site”), (“Klipspringer,” or “we”, “us”) with the primary purpose of providing interested persons with access to general information and material about the recruitment and executive search services offered by Klipspringer and its consultants. In certain countries, this Site may also allow you to view job listings and to apply for those jobs through a portal. Use of this Site and the available information and content shall be governed these Terms of Use,
including any updates or revisions made in accordance with the provisions explained below.
  • All Site information is provided on an “as is” basis and to the best of our knowledge is accurate and complete as at the date of publication. However, we provide no warranties of any kind, including any implied warranties of care and skill, fitness for a
particular purpose or non-infringement of third party intellectual property rights. We make no representation or warranty about the accuracy or completeness of any information or that use of the Site will be risk or error free, uninterrupted or completely secure, or that errors or defects will be corrected. Users are advised to undertake routine checks of our Site for latest content and to take appropriate protective measures against viruses and other malicious objects.

Job Listings and Applications

  • If you use the Site to view and / or apply for a job vacancy, you should be aware that all jobs are listed on behalf of third party clients of Klipspringer who have instructed us to manage a recruitment process on their behalf.
  • We expressly do not make any representation or warranty about the accuracy of any information contained in a job listing.
  • If you apply for a job, your application will be managed in accordance with a process which we will have agreed with the relevant client.
  • Whilst we will use reasonable endeavors to remove expired job listings from the Site, we can give no guarantee that any vacancy listed on this Site remains open at any given time.
  • For more detail about the information we collect from job applicants, and how that information is used and managed, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

Your use of this site

  • You may only use this Site for lawful purposes when seeking employment or help with your career or when recruiting staff. You must not under any circumstances seek to undermine the security of the Site or any information submitted to or available through it. In particular, you must not seek to access, alter or delete any information to which you do not have authorized access, seek to overload the system via spamming or flooding, take any action or use any device, routine or software to crash, delay, damage or otherwise interfere with the operation of this Site or attempt to decipher, disassemble or modify any of the software, coding or information comprised in the Site.
  • You are solely responsible for any information submitted by you to this Site and should ensure details supplied are true, accurate, up-to-date and not misleading or likely to mislead or deceive. Nor should you supply information that is discriminatory, obscene, offensive, defamatory or otherwise illegal, unlawful or in breach of any applicable legislation, regulations, guidelines or codes of practice or the copyright, trade mark or other intellectual property rights of any person in any jurisdiction. You are also responsible for ensuring that all information, data and files are free of viruses or other routines or engines that may damage or interfere with any system or data prior to being submitted to this site. We reserve the right to remove any information supplied by you from the website at our sole discretion, at any time and for any reason without being required to give any explanation.

Limitation of Liability

  • Klipspringer shall not be liable for and hereby excludes liability for any loss, damage or injury (including any special, exemplary, indirect, incidental, consequential damages, costs or associated legal fees) that may be suffered as a result of access to or use of the Site or content to the fullest extent permitted by law. Our sole and exclusive liability for any reason shall be to discontinue access to or use of the Site or relevant content.

Intellectual Property

  • Unless otherwise stated, all content on the Site (including artwork, graphics, photographs, images, screen shots, text, downloadable files, video clips, trademarks, logos, product names, slogans, and compilations of the foregoing) (collectively, “Content”) is owned or controlled by Klipspringer and its licensors and may be protected by Dutch and international copyright, trade mark and other intellectual property laws. Users are expected to respect these laws and limit the download and use of Content for personal, non-commercial purposes only in accordance with these Terms of Use. Users must not be copy, modify, reproduce or use Content for any other purpose without our prior written consent.


  • The Site provides links to a number of websites, including, Klipspringer is not responsible and does not accept liability for anything outside Any links to other websites or content are provided for convenience only. We do not endorse or take responsibility for third party sites or content and shall not be liable for any damage or injury suffered from use or access of the same.

Currency of Content

  • Klipspringer updates the information on this Site regularly and we reserve the right to delete, modify or supplement content at any time. Users are advised to undertake routine checks of the Site for the latest content. We may also revise and update these Terms of Use from time to time. Any revisions will be effective when we publish an updated version of these Terms of Use on our website. Access or use of the Site following updates to the Terms of Use constitutes acceptance of those updated terms. Users who do not accept these Terms of Use should not access or use the Site.
  • We may, at our sole discretion and at any time, discontinue, restrict or prevent use of the Site, with or without notice. OBI will have no liability to users if access to the Site is discontinued.

Applicable law

  • These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of The Netherlands. By using this Site, you agree to submit any dispute arising from use of the matters covered by these Terms of Use to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of The Netherlands.

Privacy Policy

  • These Terms of Use apply to your use of the Site. For guidance about the ways in which we collect and use your personal information through the Site, please refer to the Privacy Policy.

General Provisions

  • These Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between you and Klipspringer regarding the use of the Site. They are a legally binding agreement which are accepted by you as a condition of use of the Site. They operate to the fullest extent permissible by law, provided that any provision that is unlawful, void, or unenforceable, shall be severed, but without affecting the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions. Any failure by Klipspringer to act with respect to any breach shall not constitute a waiver of Klipspringer ‘s right to act with respect to future or similar breaches.
  • Klipspringer is registered at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce: KVK Amsterdam nr: 85740861
  • Klipspringer (“we”, “us”) is
    committed to keeping your information secure and managing it in accordance with our legal responsibilities under privacy and data protection laws where we operate.
    This Privacy Policy provides information about how we process personal information through this website,, (“Site”).
  • By visiting our Site or using any of our services, you agree to your personal information being used and disclosed in the manner set out in this Policy. In certain countries, we will not collect personal
    information from you unless you have specifically agreed to
    us doing so (for example through your acceptance of this Policy or via an electronic tick-box or other similar measures as required by local
    privacy and data protection laws).
  • You do not have to provide your personal information to us, but if you do not there may be limits on the services we are able to provide to you.
  • This Site is owned by Klipspringer.


The personal information that we collect 

  • The primary purpose of this Site is to provide you with information regarding the services provided by Klipspringer of companies and consultants. In certain countries, you may use the Site to view and
    apply for jobs.
    We explain below how we collect and store personal information about you as you use the Site.


Job Listings and Applications

  • If you wish to use the Site to apply for a job, we will need to collect basic information about you, including your name, [address], [telephone number] and email address.
  • If you proceed with a job application, you may be required to submit additional personal information, such as your date of birth, your education and career history and a curriculum vitae, or resume.
  • From time to time, we may ask you to provide information relating to protected characteristics, such as your race or marital status. This information is always anonymized and aggregated.
  • In certain countries, you may be able to set up a user account. You will be asked to register a username and password so you can gain secure access to your account. Klipspringer branded microsite on which you access your account may be owned separately from
    this Site.


  • If you would like to receive one of our newsletters, we will ask you to provide us with your name, email address, job title, company name and country of residence. Please see below in relation to marketing preferences and the sharing of this information.

Satisfaction Surveys

  • If you take part in a user satisfaction survey, we may ask you to provide us with personal information, including your name, email address and views and opinions.
  • How we use personal information
  • We use the personal information we collect from you for a number of purposes: personalizing the look and feel of the Site, to fit personal preferences which we have inferred from your usage of the site
    (see the “Analytics” and “Cookies” sections for more information);
  • processing job applications, in partnership with our clients, on whose behalf we are instructed to advertise job vacancies – this means that if you apply for a specific job, we may pass your details on to the
    relevant client to proceed with the application and you understand that this means you may receive further direct correspondence from them;
  • allowing our clients, to understand who is making use of the Site and how their job vacancies are being viewed;
  • for equality monitoring purposes, to understand the diversity of our applicant pool (as stated above, this information is anonymized and aggregated);
  • improving the service, we offer – for example you may be asked to complete one of our online satisfaction surveys.
  • We will only use your information in accordance with this Policy, or where we are required or authorized by law to disclose your information to others, or have your permission to do so.

Communications from us

  • Where you have indicated you would like to receive newsletter(s) from us, we may send email alerts and bulletins to tell you about our services [and about jobs we think you may be interested in].
  • You can also unsubscribe from receiving electronic marketing messages by following the “unsubscribe” instructions included in our communication [and you may change your preferences and cease receiving direct marketing from us through your account settings].

Providing information to others

  • We work closely with trusted partners with whom we need to share personal information to help us run this Site and provide our executive search services. Our partners include:
  • Other entities around the world;
  • And our clients, for whom we provide executive search services.
  • We will share information only as anticipated within this privacy policy and wherever appropriate, try to limit disclosure to information in aggregated form, to avoid or limit identifying you personally.
  • We may also provide information to third party service providers who process information on our behalf to help run some of our internal business operations including email distribution, IT services and
    customer services.
  • Your information may be shared with organizations located in other countries around the world. As privacy laws in other countries may not be equivalent to those in your home country, we only make
    arrangements to transfer data overseas where we are
    satisfied that adequate levels of protection are in place to protect any information held in that country or that the service provider acts at all times in compliance with applicable privacy laws. Where required under applicable laws we will take measures to ensure that personal information handled in other countries will receive at least the same level of protection as it is given in your home country. We may from time to time be required to disclose information about you to law enforcement bodies, agencies or third parties under a legal requirement or court order. We act responsibly and take account of your interests when responding to any such requests.
  • You understand that we may disclose or share personal information with third parties as outlined above to operate the Site and provide our recruitment and executive search services. If you are concerned about these arrangements you should not use the Site.

Keeping information secure

  • We invest resources to protect your personal information, from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, modification or disclosure. However, no internet-based site can be 100% secure and so we cannot be held
    responsible for unauthorized or unintended access that is beyond our control.

Information about others

  • If you provide us with information about other individuals, for example details of a referee or personal contact, you must ensure that they have agreed to you providing us with their details. We would advise you to keep a record of their agreement and provide them with a copy of, or link to, this Policy to avoid any concern.

Updating your account and preferences

  • If you register an account with us, or with a local partner who provides a job application portal on our behalf, please do keep your details up to date and notify us of any changes to the personal information. You can do this by updating your user preferences through your account login or by contacting us using the details below.

Keeping your records

  • We keep records for as long as required to provide the relevant service, and in accordance with legal, tax and accounting requirements. Where your information is no longer required, we will ensure it is
    disposed of in a secure manner and, where required by applicable law we will notify you when such information has been disposed of.

Analytics & Cookies

  • We use analytics tools and cookies on this Site to help deliver our online services, identify any service issues, improve our services, provide content tailored to users’ personal preferences, and monitor site
    traffic and usage.
  • These tools may be provided by third-party service providers and may include the collection and tracking of certain data and information regarding the characteristics and activities of visitors to our
    We may disclose data, including personal
    information, to certain such third-party services providers in order to obtain such services.
    One of these providers is Google Analytics and more information about the ways in which they collect and process your personal data can be found here:
  • If you are located in Germany, you can directly opt-out of Google Analytics here: (
  • Cookies are small computer files which are downloaded onto your device and collect information about the way in which you navigate and use this Site and the internet. Cookies collect information which
    may allow us to identify you or your approximate
    location. The information provided by cookies helps us to provide you with a more personal experience, for instance by providing you with a local version
    of the Site in a local language, and allows us to make improvements to our services over time.
  • We only collect “session” cookies, which are not usually stored after your browsing session has ended. These are used to establish your approximate location and provide the Site in an appropriate
  • You may delete and block all cookies or decide to just block certain types of cookie via your browser setting. However, if you choose to block or delete cookies, this may affect the functionality of the Site.

Access rights 

  • In some jurisdictions, you may have the right to request copies of your personal information which is within our custody and control together with details about how we use that information. If you think
    any of the personal information we hold about you is inaccurate, you may also request it is corrected. You may also have a right, in certain circumstances, to require us to stop processing your personal
  • In relation to all of these rights, please email or write to us at the address below. Please note that we may, where permitted under applicable law, charge a small administrative fee and / or request proof of
    We will respond to your requests within all applicable timeframes.
  • In certain circumstances (for example where required or permitted by law) we might not be able to provide you with access to some of your personal information, but where appropriate we will notify you
    of the reasons for this.

Complaints Process

  • If you have a complaint about how we have handled your personal information you may contact us using the details below and we will investigate your complaint.

Third party sites

  • [This Policy only applies to this Site.] If you land on our Site from other websites (or move to other Sites from our website) you should read their separate privacy policies.

Terms of Use

  • This Privacy Policy governs the ways in which we collect and use information about you through the Site. For the terms and conditions which apply to your use of this Site, please refer to the Terms of use

Coming soon:

THE CODE OF CONDUCT FOR RECRUITMENT & SELECTION. The NVP Recruitment Code (hereinafter referred to as. ‘the code’) contains the basic rules that, …

error: If you would like a copy or document, please let us know via and we will accommodate you!